By Carla Cole, DCI Coordinator
Davidson’s Deliberative Citizenship Initiative, Davidson’s Center for Civic Engagement, and the North Mecklenburg Economic Mobility Collaborative invite you to attend an online deliberative forum February 15th from 7 to 9 pm. The forum will begin with a talk from three expert panelists followed by small breakout group facilitated deliberations. Panelists represent a variety of perspectives and include Sheri Chisolm, Executive Director of Leading on Opportunity, Kieth Cockrell, President of Bank of America Charlotte, and Patrick Garry, author and Professor at the University of South Dakota’s School of Law and Director of the Hagemann Center for Legal & Public Policy Research.
Nationally, people across the United States are beginning to question the concept of the American dream as income inequality rises, poverty deepens, and access to education and healthcare opportunities appear unequally distributed. If the American dream does exist, how might we begin to understand this abstract concept? In our everyday lives, how do we define this idea of economic mobility, and what different ideas have been proposed to make it more achievable for everyone? This forum will address the challenges of economic mobility and possible strategies for making the American dream more accessible to everyone.
The forum will enable participants to explore important questions, learn from experts, listen to the perspectives of others, and share ideas about economic mobility. We request that all registrants plan to attend both the panel and small group discussions, as they are designed to complement one another.
Due to the limited number of DCI trained facilitators, registration is limited, so please sign up today! This event is free and open to the public.
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