On February 6, The Bonner Scholars Program and the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative co-sponsored two events featuring Citizen University CEO Eric Liu. The first was a public lecture by Mr. Liu in the Lilly Gallery that was attended by over 100 online (via Zoom and YouTube) and in-person guests. The theme of his talk was “From Isolation to Community: A Commitment to Rehumanize and Revive our Democracy.”
After his keynote address, Liu led a smaller interactive conversation exploring the key insights from the Better Arguments Project, a national civic initiative that he helped create to “bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping people have better arguments.” During his visit, Liu was also able to meet and talk with several Davidson students, faculty, staff, and community members about their work and questions related to deliberation and building a healthier democracy.
Overall, it was an action-packed and engaging visit that touched on a range of important topics that are highly relevant to both life on campus and in our broader society. Liu provided us with a key set of ideas and a hopeful sense of optimism that despite the challenges we face, we can connect with one another despite and even because of our differences, as we work together to rehumanize and re-energize our democracy.
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