Thank you for subscribing to updates from the DCI — you have subscribed successfully! We’ll send you weekly digests and bi-monthly newsletters that will include announcements about upcoming events and programs and blog posts from our fellows and staff. Stay tuned for more info from us soon!
Weekly DCI Digests
Our weekly DCI Digests usually include two blog posts that we’ve published that week. These posts include reflections from our student and faculty fellows about their work on deliberation and information about the DCI’s programs, including our D Teams, Forums, Speaker Series, Training Workshops and more.
Bi-Monthly DCI Newsletters
Our bi-monthly newsletters provide a more comprehensive look at the DCI’s past and upcoming events and programs. They are a great way to get a quick overview of the DCI’s activities.
By default, you’ll receive both our Weekly Digests and Bi-Monthly Newsletters. At the bottom of every message from us, there is a link to “Update your Preferences.” At this link, you can choose whether you’d like to only receive the bi-monthly newsletter (six messages per year). You can also choose to only receive our annual report (one message a year). We’d hate to see you go, but you also have the option to unsubscribe on that page.
We hope you enjoy the content we share with you, and we look forward to seeing you at some of our future events and programs!